Part 141 and Part 61 Flight Training
12711 Blume Ave., Houston, Texas 77034
Available Training
Flying Tigers Flight School gives you the tools to gain an advantage through specialized training. Learn more about your options below, and feel free to reach out with any questions.

Your first step in learning to fly an airplane!
Let our safe and experienced instructors lead you from your first flight, through your first solo, and beyond! This Part 61 program includes 35 hours of ground school, books and materials, written and flight tests, and 35 hours of flight time. National average is about 50-60 hours of flight time to become proficient to pass the "check ride."
*This course while enrolled in Liberty is 14 CFR 141 approved and not enrolled is 14 CFR 61*
Estimate $12,000 - $14,000
Continue your education
Intensive training focused on flying solely by reference to instruments. This is one of the most valuable ratings you can add to your pilot certificate, is fun and challenging, and a "must have" for getting into commercial flying! This Part 61 program includes 30 hours ground school, books and materials, written and flight tests, and 35 hours of flight time.
*This course while enrolled in Liberty is 14 CFR 141 approved and not enrolled is 14 CFR 61*
Estimate $11,000 - $14,000

Sharpen your skills
Fly at a higher standard, and earn the ability to fly for compensation! This Part 61 program includes 35 hours of ground school, books and materials, written and flight tests, and 120 hours of flight time.
*This course while enrolled in Liberty is 14 CFR 141 approved and not enrolled is 14 CFR 61*
Estimate $24,000+
Train the pilots of tomorrow
Whether you’re considering a career change or simply looking to improve your skills, our Certified Flight Instructor course offers everything you need and more to be a successful and skillful instructor. This Part 61 program includes 40 hours of ground school, books and materials, written and flight tests, and 25 hours of flight time.
*This course while enrolled in Liberty is 14 CFR 141 approved and not enrolled is 14 CFR 61*
Estimate $8,000+

Teach a wider range of students
10 hours of ground school, books and materials, written and flight tests, and 6 hours of flight time taught under 14 CFR 61. Must be a CFI and instrument proficient to begin.
*This course while enrolled in Liberty is 14 CFR 141 approved and not enrolled is 14 CFR 61*